Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Where to Find Help With Writing a Business Plan

If you have a great business idea, you probably already know that you’re going to need a business plan. Whether you’re looking for funding, or you just want to start your business with a solid idea of where you are going, having everything on paper is a great place to start.

However, for the average entrepreneur, writing a business plan is not as simple as it sounds. If you need help with writing a business plan, then read on. In this article, we discuss where you can find the help you need, and what you can expect.

Small Business Incubators

There are several options out there when it comes to small business incubators, and many of them are government run, and therefore free to use.

Small business incubators are programs that are set up to help new business owners to start and run their businesses. Many offer assistance with writing business plans as a part of their service, and they usually have a team of experts on hand for just that reason. Nearly every city and town will have some form of small business incubator program, and you can usually find out more from your local chamber of commerce, or online.


Many small business owners find that they don’t need help with writing a business plan, so much as they need help preparing financials for their plan. If you’re going to use your business plan to apply for funding, then you will almost certainly need a well-written, well thought out plan, including accurate financials.

Hiring an accountant to help you to write the financials section of your plan is therefore a good idea. Most accountants will have a good working knowledge about small business finance, and can help you to create a financial plan that’s well thought out and viable, so it’s often worth the expense!

Freelance Writers

If it’s not the financials you’re struggling with, but you need help with the actual writing of your business plan, then freelance writers are a great resource. There are freelance writers in just about every city or town, and you can even find them online! Most will be able to take your business plan idea and outline, and give it the polish it needs to impress investors, but remember, you will still need to write the plan yourself, so that it’s your ideas that go onto the final document!

Business Students

Another great idea, particularly if you are short of cash, and can’t afford professional services to help you write your business plan, is to approach business students at your local college or university. Most final year students have in depth business knowledge, and will be willing to offer you a consulting service at a fraction of what a professional would charge!

Business Planning Software and Templates

Possibly one of the simplest options, in terms of time and effort, when you’re looking for help writing a business plan, is to invest in business planning software and templates. These vary in complexity and functionality, but most offer some form of interface where you enter your business information and other parameters, and the software does the hard work for you.

Whichever option you choose when you’re looking for help writing a business plan, remember that this is probably the single most important document for your business start up. Whether you use it to secure funding, or simply as a road map to success, your business plan really can make or break your business. So take enough time, consider investing financially to make it as perfect as possible, and you should get the best possible result.



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