Top Ten Lies Told by Entrepreneurs to their Investors
- I just had to publish this great pic from one of my favourite cartoon gag sites to accompany this post:
Immage sourced from
1. We will be ready to launch in x...
Uh huh. - New firms launch dates are normally at least 6 months away from their projected dates .. and thats if you're lucky.
2. If we could only get this (piece of equipment etc) then results will change...
Big if.. and normally just a excuse on the way to the next excuse.
3. Things should pick up after x...
Yeah, it should, but WILL IT? Investors know that there is very little value in the word SHOULD .. thats why they are where they are!!
4. I guarantee you that...
Action speaks loader than words? The more desperate the situation, the more emphasis on guarantees and promises.
5. If I could just...
If it was really that easy then why haven't you by now?
6. We have a number of real prospects in the bag...
It ain't really done until the client's check has been cashed and the services/goods have been delivered.
7. We're very close...
Close to what, reality? Dream on.
8. We just need one more round of bridging finance...
Probably one of the most common lies told. VC's and investors know that you will probably be having the same conversations a few months down the line. The only reason that they are still investing is that your business's potential is higher than their risk.
9. If we have x clients in the first year...
Yes whatever... using this type of language will tell your investor that you done have a clue and are living on a prayer.
10. No one understands what I am trying to do...
Very likely, but that means you're really an entrepreneur. If they DID understand, you wouldn't have much to offer, then, would you?
Have any more.. please send them on or post them here.
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